Monday, November 29, 2010


Mid-November was 1 full year since I began my journey of Re-Engineering my Life. During the month I became familiar with a feeling that I don't ever remember having; a feeling of Contentment.

During Thanksgiving week, I acknowledged all the things in my life that I am grateful for:

  • My family - Being a Solo Vegan in the house has sometime been lonely. I have experienced, smiles, laughs, rolling of the eyes, and some outright "YUKs" from my family. But one thing I value, they respect and allow me to pursue this journey. And above all, they support me. 
  • My Employment - I have been "Under-employed" for approximately 4 years after becoming a Downsized Executive when the Economy slumped. Lack of opportunity has kept me in my current position, however, I am slowly shedding myself of the anger and frustration that I carry and value the fact that I am more fortunate than so many others who want to work and can't. 
  • My Health - I am probably the healthiest I have been in 20 years. Changing my approach to exercise and nutrition has resulted in enormous gains. My recent Health Physical and Blood work were excellent. Two minor surgeries to correct Carpel Tunnel Syndrome has improved my manual dexterity. And I am on the path of soon eliminating my Blood Pressure Medication that I have been on for nearly 15 years. 
  • My Food - 1 year ago, I don't know what, but something motivated me to pursue knowledge of and experimentation with a Vegetarian Diet. I am so grateful for the knowledge that I have acquired and the people I have met along the way that have inspired me. I love this food adventure and all the incredible healthy, tasty foods that I eat. Having transitioned to Vegan midway through my adventure, I can't imagine ever again depending on animals for my nourishment.
  • My Exercise time - I value the fact that I have integrated Exercise into my daily life. Almost daily Cardio workouts are limited to Elliptical and Stationary Bike. Although I would love to run as a bird flies, my ankles won't stand for it. Strength Training with free weights has helped me develop a firmer and stronger body. I set goals, make plans, adjust the plans when necessary and compete only with myself. Although I admire others in the Gym who have physiques that are more developed than mine, I can only aspire to what my body is capable of. And I am extremely happy with the progress. 
All in all, I have entered a period of gratefulness for all that I have in my life. I am more content with who I am and where I am in life. Improving my health with diet and exercise has helped me re-organize the priorities in my life. I have learned that one's good health along with having loving and supportive people surround you is most important. With that confidence, I will continue to strive for personal and professional improvement in my life. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Getting Stronger

It's been so long since my last post. So much is happening and I sometime struggle with how to put things into words. I need to learn how to condense my thoughts. :)

On November 4th, I had Carpal Tunnel Surgery on my left hand as well as a release of a middle "trigger finger". I had the right hand done a few months ago and am so thrilled to get this behind me and have my hands and fingers be more functional. Bandage and Stitches come out on the 16th. After that, I should be 100% strength in a few weeks. The surgery interrupted some of my training, but I resumed my Cardio workouts after the being away for the first 5 days of recovery.

All of October and part of November has been dedicated to a new direction in my training plan to Re-Engineer my life. I have focused on Strength and Core Training exercises at least 3 days per week along with my almost daily Cardio. I started with machines then quickly moved to free weights after educating myself and learning how free weights can be more effective when using the correct technique. The result has been amazing. I have become stronger and the transformation of my body is hard to believe. Although I still have some weight to lose and much tone to develop, I am loving the way I feel and actually liking my appearance. I don't remember a time when my upper body actually had "definition". It's also fun to buy clothes in other than the "Big & Tall" shop.

I have also been increasing my knowledge on how I can continue to improve my eating plan. Besides transitioning from Vegetarian to Vegan a few months ago, I am looking into how I can assure that my diet is as Alkaline as possible. The pH Miracle, by Robert O. Young, Ph.D and Shelley Redford Young has been my primary reference. It is packed with incredible, eye opening, knowledge and data that would make anyone want to learn more about the food choices we make and how they are directly related to illness and diet. I encourage you to read it.

My weight loss has slowed, as I expected it would, with me adding more muscle mass and calories to my daily food intake (mainly more protein). However, I am not as concerned as I used to be about the velocity of weight loss. I have therefore traded off the target date of December 31 for weigh in of 175 lbs. for a commitment to continued strength training and daily exercise. With my commitment to a plan, plus arming myself with knowledge, I now know that with proper diet and regular exersice, my desired weight be achieved.

I share this enthusiasm not because I believe "it's all about me", but because I believe "it's all about you"!! Those of you who are struggling with weight and wishing things could be different. Those of you suffering with hypertension and diabetes associated with diet. Those of you who feel overwhelmed at the thought of losing pounds and reducing clothes sizes. Those of you who wake up everyday and say to yourself, "I am going to start today" and never do. Those of you who give in to the temptation of making the unhealthy food choice when healthy choices are at hand.

I am living proof that it can be done. No business is sponsoring or endorsing me to say these things. Once you accept the fact that something has to be done, you have taking the biggest step in moving toward healthy living. Once you accept the fact that the 30, 50, 100, 150lbs. will not be shed overnight, you have removed all the stress and accompanying barriers to engaging in a plan. Arm yourself with knowledge, the internet is flooding with it. Set incremental realistic goals, visualize the results, celebrate along the way and love yourself enough to become a healthier, happier person.

You are the only one that can be an expert on this subject for you. I am the expert for me. See your Doctor, have a physical and blood tests, tell your Doctor what you are planning to do and go for it. ONE DAY AT A TIME!! ONE POUND AT A TIME. Its never too late.

I close this post by thanking  the core group of Tweeps that communicate with me regularly on Twitter.  You continue to inspire me and I value the community. You know who you are. I also close with the hope that at least one person who desires to make a change in their life is reading this and becomes inspired to do so. I will always be here to support you. Join me on the adventure of Healthy Living.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Moving Forward

If you haven't noticed, I have been very motivated and focused on weight loss. Along with all the hard work in the Gym and transforming my relationship with food, I have successfully used the power of Visualization in attaining my current goals. Now that I have lost the bulk of my excess weight, its time to concentrate on maintaining the good habits I have developed and move forward to the next level; that of re-shaping my body through strength training and core exercises.

My BMI currently measures 30.4; a far cry from the 45.3 in 2007. Measure your BMI. Although I feel incredible and very fit, I still qualify as "overweight" in the BMI categories. I have not been on the scale since September 16. I don't plan on weighing myself till October 16. I want to concentrate less on weight loss and more on strength training and core exercises. Over the next 4 or 5 days, I will develop a workout plan and schedule that will take me through the end of the year. The goal will be a 25 pound weight loss along with building upper body strength and overall muscle tone. I am very excited to move into this stage of Re-Engineering my life.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me

This was the day, I was waiting for. Not because it is my Birthday, but because it is the day I set, 10 months ago, to weigh in at 200lbs. I declared a victory when my digital scale read 200.8lbs. this morning. Even though I was short of my goal by a mere 12.8 ounces, my total weight loss was 58 pounds in the 10 months that I have been Vegetarian and serious about fitness. If I got a haircut, I probably would lose more than 12.8 oz., so I celebrate my achievement. I also updated my Real Age Test . If you haven't taken the test, its a thought provoking series of questions about the way you live your life and how your choices impact your overall health. The analyis of your answers are converted into a Biological Age. 10 monthis ago, my Biological Age was measured at 77.2 yrs compared to my calendar age of 57 yrs. Today, as a result of Re-Engineering my life my Biological Age tested at 57 yrs old, on my 58th Birthdayl!!! I AM GETTING YOUNGER!!! Not really, I am just getting healthier.

Although it hasn't been easy, ATTITUDE is everything. I continue to visualize how I want to feel and what I want to look like by December 31. I will continue keep contact with like-minded people who inspire me. I now have 25 more pounds to lose. Nourishing myself with whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables along with regular exercise has now become a way of life that has afforded me improved health, energy, confidence and vitality.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Healthy Living and Friends Along the Way

Three Days till my Intermediate Goal Date. I want to weigh in at 200lbs. or less on September 16. I have managed, executed and adjusted my plan as necessary and will not weigh myself until that day. After that, I set my sights on a weigh in of 175lbs. by December 31, and bring the new year in with a MILESTONE! This time, unlike all the previous weight loss programs, I will maintain all the healthy living habits I have acquired along the way, and never revert back to a life of obesity. With smart food choices and daily exercise, it can be done. With commitment and vision, you will realize improved health and vitality no matter when you start. I hope I can inspire one person to take the journey.

There is another ingredient that has supported my success along my Healthy Living journey. And that is the friendship and connections I have made on Twitter. It all started with keyword searches. My goal was to learn as much as I could from those who acquired top results from eating healthy and exercise. I first found the Green Smoothie Challenge. Like most people, it took me awhile to get past the "Greens" , but I was determined to change my life and was inspired by all those who believed in the value of Leafy Greens. After following the recipes for weeks, I allowed myself to experiment and my creativity flowed allowing me to come up with the most delicious drinks imaginable. After two weeks, I was hooked and rarely a day goes by that I don't have, at least, one Green Smoothie. Then @DrOz had a profound effect on the way I make choices in my daily life. I took his knowledge and teachings and incorporated much of it into my daily life. 

I am currently following hundreds of Healthy Living, Vegetarian, Vegan, and Exercise minded Tweeps. I have been inspired by each of their posts at some level. Following them daily keeps me motivated and focused. And sharing ideas and thoughts regularly integrates me into a community of like minded people of all ages and walks of life. If you are starting out on your Healthy Living Journey, I recommend you follow a few of my Tweeps who have meant allot to me along the way. From these and other great people I have connected with, I have acquired an array of incredibly delicious recipes, great exercise habits, positive focused mind and a renewed commitment to my health.  @hriacobacci, @healthyeveryday, @sleeplessinsimi, @ericasara, @Joel_Luks, @ForDGRedial, @SmoothieDrinker, @singerinkitchen, @icanhazcoffee, @14monthsto50. They are all on their own journeys and I marvel at their dedication. Thank you to all of you. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Drastic Changes

I made a necessary Drastic Change in my relationship with food in November, 2009 after gaining back nearly all the 70lbs. I lost in 2007. At some point in October, 2009, I watched Dr. Oz. on TV, I felt inspired to take another hard look at my relationship with food. I took the Real Age Test and tested at 77.2 yrs old; hardly something to get excited about when my chronological age was 57.

I read YOU: On a Diet - Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen's Guide to Losing Weight. The book really got me motivated to learn as much as I could about Diet and Nutrition. I immersed myself in books and articles on nutrition; steering clear of any book or article about "Dieting". In order for me to succeed in conquering obesity and maintaining a healthy weight, I finally accepted the fact that I needed to make a change in my relationship with food.

It was becoming clear to me that a diet consisting of Whole Grains, Fruits and Vegetables was the most healthy and healing lifestyle to consider. Around the same time I was researching Diet and Nutrition, I opened a Twitter account. Being a Twitter novice, I began searching keywords like healthy living, vegetarian, vegan, diet and exercise. I read hundreds of Tweets, which lead me to countless links on benefits of Plant Based Diet and Exercise. On November 16, 2009 I weighed in at 258lbs. On that day I made a commitment to make the Drastic Change. I made the commitment to start eating for nourishment and no longer solely for comfort. I also committed to regular exercise. Suffering with Osteoarthritis in my left ankle, I needed to consider only low-impact work so I decided to start with stationary bike and Elliptical work. I would make a plan, set realistic incremental goals, work the plan, visualize desired results, succeed and reward myself.

Today, I weighed in at 207lbs; a 51 pound weight loss since I turned Vegetarian. I took the Real Age Test again and scored 57.6yrs old; ironically my actual biological age. Drastic Changes rewarded me with significant positive results. I treated myself to some new clothes at sizes that were much easier to find. No more "Big and Tall" store for me. My next goal is 200lbs. on my birthday, September 16. My target weight is 175lbs. by the last day of 2010. Just for fun, I plan to take the Real Age Test on December 31, 2010 and hopefully score younger than my actual biological age.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Diets Do Work

Merriam-Webster defines diet as a : food and drink regularly provided or consumed b : habitual nourishment c : the kind and amount of food prescribed for a person or animal for a special reason d : a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one's weight diet

Every Diet has an exhausting list of diets totally 401 ranging from The Cabbage Soup Diet to The Zone Diet. Most all Diets are, in fact, very effective when their scientific guidelines are followed. Diets are designed to reduce caloric intake, creating a deficit, helping you to lose weight. Its a simple effective formula. Eat less calories than you burn each day and lose body mass. Add exercise, burn more calories, lose more weight. 

I have been on many of these diets and all were effective in helping me lose weight, however, I was never effective in maintaining it. Early in 2007, I was labeled "Morbidly Obese" by my doctor; a real boost to my self esteem. My blood pressure was at an all time high, my Gerd was active on a daily basis, and I was "pre-diabetic". My Doctor and I had a serious talk about my "emotional eating" and he advised me that if I didn't make serious changes in my life soon, I would suffer some serious consequences in the years to come. He asked me if I wanted Gastric Bypass Surgery. I thought he was kidding, but, to my surprise, he wasn't. I left his office knowing I had to make some serious decisions about my health. 

A few months later, with his referral, I embarked on a  physicians supervised, liquid shake diet. which effectively helped me lose nearly 70 lbs. in 6 months consuming nothing but shakes. My "Morbid Obesity" diagnosis was on the turnaround and all my Lab markers significantly reversed into the Normal range, my Gerd disappeared, and my blood pressure medication was cut in half as I approached the normal range. 

I did it!! Success!!! I was on my way to improved health. NOT!!! Diets don't fail. People fail, by not committing to making permanent and drastic changes in our relationship with food and activity (exercise). You see, in 2007, I reached my goal, stopped the shakes and within the next 18 months, promptly gained all 70 lbs. back, plus a few,  The Diet worked, but there was no lifestyle change. I never committed to a new and permanent relationship with food. I only committed to weight loss goal. I was back to all my bad habits. 

One thing I did learn from the liquid shake diet was the power of Detox. Consuming a well balanced and nourishing shake, 3 times a day, without any toxic prepared and chemically enriched foods, I experienced an increased energy level and vitality like I hadn't felt in years. I began to realize that by eliminating certain foods from my daily intake, I felt better. 

Over the next two years, I continued to struggle without discipline in my weight control. I became a victim of the economy and lost my Executive position as a Human Resources Director with a company that failed to survive the economy. I was now a Fifty Something, Fat Guy, looking for an Executive position in one of the worst economic times of my life. My 30 year professional career had come to a halt and I was now facing the harsh realities of seeking employment and maintaining my self esteem while holding a pretty weak poker hand. 

It was time to make some drastic changes. It was time to adjust my sails to the winds, It was time to Re-Engineer my Life....

More to come........................

Friday, August 6, 2010

My Very First Blog Post Ever!!

Today, I decided to stop being intimidated and dive right in and start Blogging. I read countless Healthy Living and Food Blogs and have many Twitter friends who inspire me as I change the processes, decisions, behaviors in the way I live my life. In Posts to come, I will share with you my lifelong battle with Obesity and dieting and how, when and why I decided to Re-Engineer my Life. I will also share recipes of tasty dishes I have created or modified from my flesh eating days.

Please be patient with me as I am a "Virgin" Blogger. I have spent months wanting to share my journey but didn't know how and where to start. If I can inspire one person, I will consider my Blog a success.

Please don't be shy about giving me suggestions on how I can improve anything about my Blog.