Monday, November 29, 2010


Mid-November was 1 full year since I began my journey of Re-Engineering my Life. During the month I became familiar with a feeling that I don't ever remember having; a feeling of Contentment.

During Thanksgiving week, I acknowledged all the things in my life that I am grateful for:

  • My family - Being a Solo Vegan in the house has sometime been lonely. I have experienced, smiles, laughs, rolling of the eyes, and some outright "YUKs" from my family. But one thing I value, they respect and allow me to pursue this journey. And above all, they support me. 
  • My Employment - I have been "Under-employed" for approximately 4 years after becoming a Downsized Executive when the Economy slumped. Lack of opportunity has kept me in my current position, however, I am slowly shedding myself of the anger and frustration that I carry and value the fact that I am more fortunate than so many others who want to work and can't. 
  • My Health - I am probably the healthiest I have been in 20 years. Changing my approach to exercise and nutrition has resulted in enormous gains. My recent Health Physical and Blood work were excellent. Two minor surgeries to correct Carpel Tunnel Syndrome has improved my manual dexterity. And I am on the path of soon eliminating my Blood Pressure Medication that I have been on for nearly 15 years. 
  • My Food - 1 year ago, I don't know what, but something motivated me to pursue knowledge of and experimentation with a Vegetarian Diet. I am so grateful for the knowledge that I have acquired and the people I have met along the way that have inspired me. I love this food adventure and all the incredible healthy, tasty foods that I eat. Having transitioned to Vegan midway through my adventure, I can't imagine ever again depending on animals for my nourishment.
  • My Exercise time - I value the fact that I have integrated Exercise into my daily life. Almost daily Cardio workouts are limited to Elliptical and Stationary Bike. Although I would love to run as a bird flies, my ankles won't stand for it. Strength Training with free weights has helped me develop a firmer and stronger body. I set goals, make plans, adjust the plans when necessary and compete only with myself. Although I admire others in the Gym who have physiques that are more developed than mine, I can only aspire to what my body is capable of. And I am extremely happy with the progress. 
All in all, I have entered a period of gratefulness for all that I have in my life. I am more content with who I am and where I am in life. Improving my health with diet and exercise has helped me re-organize the priorities in my life. I have learned that one's good health along with having loving and supportive people surround you is most important. With that confidence, I will continue to strive for personal and professional improvement in my life. 


  1. Love this! Sounds like so much growth has happened for you.

  2. Awesome! You're doing great and definitely leading a healthy lifestyle!

  3. Good to remember what to be grateful for :-)

