Every Diet has an exhausting list of diets totally 401 ranging from The Cabbage Soup Diet to The Zone Diet. Most all Diets are, in fact, very effective when their scientific guidelines are followed. Diets are designed to reduce caloric intake, creating a deficit, helping you to lose weight. Its a simple effective formula. Eat less calories than you burn each day and lose body mass. Add exercise, burn more calories, lose more weight.
I have been on many of these diets and all were effective in helping me lose weight, however, I was never effective in maintaining it. Early in 2007, I was labeled "Morbidly Obese" by my doctor; a real boost to my self esteem. My blood pressure was at an all time high, my Gerd was active on a daily basis, and I was "pre-diabetic". My Doctor and I had a serious talk about my "emotional eating" and he advised me that if I didn't make serious changes in my life soon, I would suffer some serious consequences in the years to come. He asked me if I wanted Gastric Bypass Surgery. I thought he was kidding, but, to my surprise, he wasn't. I left his office knowing I had to make some serious decisions about my health.
A few months later, with his referral, I embarked on a physicians supervised, liquid shake diet. which effectively helped me lose nearly 70 lbs. in 6 months consuming nothing but shakes. My "Morbid Obesity" diagnosis was on the turnaround and all my Lab markers significantly reversed into the Normal range, my Gerd disappeared, and my blood pressure medication was cut in half as I approached the normal range.
I did it!! Success!!! I was on my way to improved health. NOT!!! Diets don't fail. People fail, by not committing to making permanent and drastic changes in our relationship with food and activity (exercise). You see, in 2007, I reached my goal, stopped the shakes and within the next 18 months, promptly gained all 70 lbs. back, plus a few, The Diet worked, but there was no lifestyle change. I never committed to a new and permanent relationship with food. I only committed to weight loss goal. I was back to all my bad habits.
One thing I did learn from the liquid shake diet was the power of Detox. Consuming a well balanced and nourishing shake, 3 times a day, without any toxic prepared and chemically enriched foods, I experienced an increased energy level and vitality like I hadn't felt in years. I began to realize that by eliminating certain foods from my daily intake, I felt better.
Over the next two years, I continued to struggle without discipline in my weight control. I became a victim of the economy and lost my Executive position as a Human Resources Director with a company that failed to survive the economy. I was now a Fifty Something, Fat Guy, looking for an Executive position in one of the worst economic times of my life. My 30 year professional career had come to a halt and I was now facing the harsh realities of seeking employment and maintaining my self esteem while holding a pretty weak poker hand.
It was time to make some drastic changes. It was time to adjust my sails to the winds, It was time to Re-Engineer my Life....
More to come........................
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